Infographic: How Sales Reps Are Perceived
The world of sales has changed dramatically: buyers are better informed, with access to a global marketplace at their fingertips, and have higher expectations of the salespeople they interact with. Through their research, we’ve identified four different and distinct relationship levels that sales professionals can earn with their customers.
- Account Planning (11)
- Awards (47)
- Client Testimonial (37)
- Personal Branding (19)
- Podcast (11)
- Research (70)
- Sales Career Development (87)
- Sales Coaching (156)
- Sales Consulting (136)
- Sales Culture (170)
- Sales Enablement (354)
- Sales Leadership (110)
- Sales Management (248)
- Sales Negotiation (16)
- Sales Prospecting (124)
- Sales Role-Playing (18)
- Sales Training (231)
- Selling Strategies (263)
- Soft Skills (70)
- Talent Management (94)
- Trusted Advisor (27)
- Virtual Selling (49)
- Webinar (9)