Mindset And Positive Framing: How It Impacts Your Sales

You’ve probably heard of mindset but have you heard of framing? It’s the idea that the way you think about and interpret events in your life has a huge impact on how you feel and behave, even if the event itself doesn’t change. A recent study found that students given positive information about their school were more likely to do well academically than those given neutral or negative information about their school. In other words, a positive framing helped students do better at school. The same thing happens with our sales mindsets – when we frame our thoughts positively, we tend to feel good and experience success, even if our circumstances don’t change.
Change Your Mindset, Change Your Sales Outcomes
In real estate, they say it’s all about location, location, location. In sales, it’s mindset, mindset, mindset. What we tell ourselves over and over (and over!) matters. Changing our negative self-talk into more positive language is the first step to changing our mindsets. It might feel weird at first because your mind will fight you by making you think in a defensive or negative tone but stick with it—it gets easier as time goes on!
Here are some tips to improve your sales mindset:
- Make an effort to stop saying I can’t or I don’t know-how.
- Start saying “yes I can.” Yes, I can learn how to handle objections more effectively. Learning something new requires knowledge, which requires time and effort. You can tell yourself, yes, I can invest my time and energy in learning new sales skills. Saying yes I can will begin to shift your mindset from focusing on what you don’t have or what isn’t working, towards your personal strengths.
Attitude Is Everything
A positive attitude and an idea of what you’re capable of can help make all your sales goals more reachable. It’s not just about determination—there are ways to change your perception, particularly when it comes to challenges that seem insurmountable. You can do it; you just have to shift your mindset.
We all have challenges, but we are often our own worst critics and don’t give ourselves enough credit for our accomplishments. One way around that is by focusing on what you learned from failure instead of dwelling on how it makes you feel about yourself.
Another trick is by re-framing challenges in a positive light. Instead of seeing something as hard or complicated, try thinking about how easy or simple it will be once you figure out a solution. When you switch your mindset from negative to positive, obstacles become opportunities. Remember, there is no silver bullet to sales success—there’s only a process and a plan.
Put Life Into Perspective
Sales are full of ups and downs, success and failure. It’s important to remember that every situation has two sides: it can either be something that helps you grow or something that teaches you how not to do something again. Instead of framing events as either good or bad, try seeing them as opportunities for growth or learning experiences.
The next time something negative happens, give yourself time to process your feelings about it before impulsively reacting. This way, even if you have negative thoughts at first, they won’t immediately snowball into a panic. Try practicing mindfulness meditation if anxiety and stress are major issues in your sales career. Studies show regular meditators have quiet minds that lead to positive thinking patterns. Whether you just take a couple of deep breathes after a bad call, or do regular mindfulness exercises when things don’t go according to plan, both can help you from allowing one bad call to turn into a bad day.
Choose Your Thoughts Carefully
You can overcome a negative mindset by choosing your thoughts carefully. Positive framing is all about trying to see things in their best light. For example, if you’re starting a new sales position, you might be overwhelmed and nervous thinking about the work you have ahead of you. But that can actually hurt your performance.
Performing well requires confidence and excitement—two emotions that are hard to muster when you’re anxious or stressed out. Instead of focusing on all of your looming tasks, focus on the feeling of closing a deal. Visualize yourself celebrating with friends at the office. Find a positive message or inspirational quote and read it frequently (at least twice daily). Change your mindset from ‘I’m going to fail’ to ‘I will succeed.’ By doing so, you’ll start making plans for success rather than just preparing for failure. By moving away from negative thoughts toward more realistic ones based on past experiences, your peers’ successes and concrete evidence, you’ll positively shift your attitude—and improve both your performance at work and life in general.
Make Being Grateful a Habit
When you find yourself thinking negatively, it might help to mentally reframe your thoughts. If you’re in a negative mindset, try being grateful for everything you have. Not only will it remind you of all that’s going well in your life, but it’ll also get your mind off any problems or stressors that are bothering you.
Being grateful for what we have isn’t just good for your happiness and well-being, but it can even improve other areas of your life like business and relationships. Plus, keeping an attitude of gratitude is contagious: Be grateful for things and others around you will be more likely to be thankful as well.
Take a Long-Term View
A positive mindset is more than just a feel-good buzzword. In fact, research shows that being optimistic about your future can help you be healthier and live longer. This makes sense when you think about it—the way we perceive our lives affects how we experience them. If you’re looking at sales through rose-colored glasses, then maybe everything will seem rosier than it actually is—and that might actually make you happier.
When you take a long-term view of things, you’ll realize that most of our problems are temporary ones. For example, studies show that people who get let go from their jobs have statistically better career prospects in six months or less. So, if you have an immediate negative thought about something—like getting passed over for a promotion or not making as much money as someone else in your industry—remember there’s probably another side to that story…or 20 years down the road it won’t even matter anymore. So why focus on it now?
In sales, a negative mindset is like a self-fulling prophecy. Facing daily rejection can lead to burnout and is a major cause of low productivity. To combat negativity, practicing these simple mindset tactics can keep things positive in the face of adversity. Remember, when you change your mindset, you can change your results. Keep it positive and remember what Napoleon Hill said, “Patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.”
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